Thursday, June 25, 2009

New door

You want me to go through that thing, are you kidding? Miles has torn up the old screen door. We decided it was time to replace it with a new door. I also decided that I should add a doggie door as well. This is the new door. I am training Mile to go through it. He is catching on pretty quickly. I had to put one of those screen protectors on the new door. I also have the door locked at this point since Miles is used to running and bumping the old door open. Now he has to use his new door when he wants to go outside and come back onto the porch.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Hi it's me Samantha! Miles did something really funny the other day! He was under the bed and he came out with dust all over his mustache. I was like,"Hey Miles! You have a dusty mustache," Then I was like,"Dusty Musty!", then I said,"Hey Miles! You have a dustache!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Cool Miles

Miles is trying on the latest trend in fashion. We got some 3d glasses and Samantha and Ethan are putting these on. I think I look pretty cool with these on. Tho only problem is they are a little big so they won't stay on my head.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Just checking

The windows are open because the weather has been so nice lately. Of course I can hear the other dogs outside barking. It makes me run over to the window and either bark or whine a little because I would like to be outside. Plus everyone knows that you are supposed to challenge any or thing that comes into your yard. The good news is I am getting to spend more time outside and the back door is kept open on nice days. Now if  I could just get them to leave the front door open life would be great. 

A dog can hope....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Gotta walk the humans

A Dogs work is never done!

A very nice morning for a walk, so much to see so much to smell, so many yards to pee in. I have to drag my humans around the neighborhood each morning. The bad thing is once you get them going they hate to stop and smell things. Don't they know that is the best part of the walk. You have to take time to stop and smell the roses to use one of their phrases.  I have to go and take a nap now. Being a dog is hard work.